Vampyre Academy Reiki Survey Aug 2015

In the period July-August 2015, the Academy conducted a closed survey of Reiki practitioners who were willing to participate. Respondents who were interviewed hailed from South Africa, the UK and Finland.

Subject: The subject of the nine question survey was Vampyres and vampyric people as perceived by a random selection of Reiki practitioners.

Conditions: Each survey respondent who indicated a willingness to participate was sent a list of nine questions in private. Respondents were unaware of each other or that they were part of a focus group of respondents. Respondents did not see each others response sheets.

Method: 9 questions, some with YES/NO responses and others with essay responses.

Number of Respondents: 10

Focus Group: Closed. This survey was sent only to individuals who came recommended in various Pagan/Esoteric/Reiki/New Age groups on Facebook and via referrals. Respondents chosen were all known by their reputation and had several years experience in the practice of Reiki or energy healing treatments. Since Reiki is not a formally recognized skill, no proof of formal certificates or  qualifications were required from Respondents.

Notes: Respondents were guaranteed anonymity for professional reasons.


The aim of the survey was to:

  • determine whether Reiki practitioners/energy healers are aware of Vampyres/vampyric people, or to what extent;
  • determine to what extent Reiki practitioners/energy healers believe they are able to identify Vampyres/vampyric people;
  • to determine what, if anything, Reiki practitioners/energy healers believe makes Vampyres/vampyric people different from non-Vampyres.
  • determine how Reiki practitioners/energy healers perceive self-identifying Vampyres and vampyric people in a social sense.


Q 1:) Up until now, were you aware of the existence of individuals who identify as Vampyres or vampyric people who claim (or are claimed) to drain energy from other living things?


Respondent 1: “Yes I have been aware of the existence of vampyres since I started studying energy and working on others.”

Respondent 2: “Yes.”

Respondent 3: “Yes, everyone can drain another. Humans feed off each other’s energy unless taught otherwise.”

Respondent 4: “Yes I am aware of them.”

Respondent 5: “Yes I know they exist. Working on a lot of them already.”

Respondent 6: “I have been aware of vampiric existence for since I can remember.”

Respondent 7: “Well aware of them, although I have to add that for the most part the people I encountered were blissfully unaware (on most levels) of being vampires.”

Respondent 8: “Yes.”

Respondent 9: “Yes.”

Respondent 10: “Yes.”

Collated response: Yes, all our respondents as Reiki practitioners were aware of the existence of Vampyres or vampyric people who claim to drain energy from other living beings.

Q2: Have you ever encountered any such individuals –

2a: In the course of your work in the field of Reiki/energy work?


Respondent 1: “Yes.”

Respondent 2: “Yes.”

Respondent 3: “Yes.”

Respondent 4: “Yes.”

Respondent 5: “Yes.”

Respondent 6: “Yes.”

Respondent 7: “Yes.”

Respondent 8: “Yes.”

Respondent 9: “Yes.”

Respondent 10: “Yes.”

Collated response: Yes, all respondents who practice Reiki stated that they had encountered Vampyres or vampyric people in the course of practicing Reiki.

2b: In the course of other conditions of meeting or interaction?


Respondent 1: “Yes.”

Respondent 2: “Yes.”

Respondent 3: “Yes.”

Respondent 4: “Yes.”

Respondent 5: “Yes.”

Respondent 6: “Yes.”

Respondent 7: “Yes.”

Respondent 8: “Yes.”

Respondent 9: “Yes.”

Respondent 10: “Yes.”

Collated response: Yes, all respondents who practice Reiki stated that they had encountered Vampyres or vampyric people under other or general circumstances or conditions.

Q3: Have you been able, or do you consider yourself able to identify Vampyres or vampyric people?


Respondent 1: “Yes I can identify vampyres.”

Respondent 2: “Sometimes, not always.”

Respondent 3: “Yes. The difference between and normal energy leach and a vampire takes time to recognise. Energy taking differs for person to person. After some familiarity there is a very recognisable frequency for someone that needs to stay healthy by feeding and cannot really stop. There is a distinct ‘addict’ energy signature about the vampire.”

Respondent 4: “Yes I can spot them almost immediately.”

Respondent 5: “Yes for sure. When I am in a group of people I spot them straight away.”

Respondent 6: “I can.”

Respondent 7: “Yes. I have been doing Reiki and other healing modalities for 15 years. During this time I have learned so much from my clients and from their experiences with energy vampires.”

Respondent 8: “Yes.”

Respondent 9: “Yes, on an average I am quite good to recognise said people.”

Respondent 10: “Yes.”

Collated response: All respondents stated that they consider themselves able to identify Vampyres or vampyric people.

Q4: If yes to Q3, how did you know they were Vampyres or vampyric people and HOW would you say you are able to identify or detect Vampyres or vampyric people? Please give as much detail as possible.

Respondent 1: “When I interact with Vampyres I know it intuitively and immediately feel their huge need for energy.

Whatever interaction we have I have to close and protect myself because I immediately feel drained and depleted, some of these individuals don’t understand the urge for others to get away.”

Respondent 2: “One would call it a ‘gut feeling’. You can also notice certain behavioural patterns. Manipulation – they are not content when the people are at ease. Drama is their life blood.”

Respondent 3: “They have a kind of dark ring around their energy fields or a hollow chakra. There is a marker or a knowing that this person is different on some level. Even if it is just an energetic sign saying ‘NOT FOOD’.”

Respondent 4: “A lot of Vampyric people do it unconsciously. (Celestine Prophecy) starvation from natural energy sources force them to set up situations (control dramas) in order to drain individuals around them. Some however knowingly/consciously do it. Parasitic individuals in usually in positions of high power.”

Respondent 5: “In my experience if you scan their energy field with your hands. It feels like they have a barrier around them. Mostly these people have bipolar disorder.”

Respondent 6: “Energy and eros vampires are the easiest to detect because of the drop in energy levels but even though sanguines are harder to detect, I rely on my gut feel and I am usually right. I also find teeth (enlarged or long canines) a marker for some reason.”

Respondent 7: “I did not know they existed before my Reiki studies. Fortunately I have been blessed with very thorough teachers! I was vaguely aware of feeling tired or even sick after being in the company of certain people, but that was it. After it was explained to me by my Reiki teachers, a lot of things made sense. With this knowledge, I was also taught how to protect myself, my family, my home, car and even our animals. The vampire mostly has a low self-esteem. Jealousy is often involved.”

Respondent 8: “I was able to feel the tesubos from them open and try and connect with me to bring the yin yang energies of the hara or sea of qi back into homeostasis. The vampire needs a emotional flavor to the energy to make the qi palatable. Where most people only need qi of a certain element to solve the issue of their diseased state. While the five elements have a corresponding emotion time and season the imbalance in a vampire may not fall directly into traditional Chinese medicine exactly. As such the use of discretion between the tools of herbal, yin yang, and qi theories come into play on how best to harvest the necessary qi to achieve homeostasis.”

Respondent 9: “I would have to say that it is a sense of knowing. Because I have been moving in the alternative spiritual circles basically my whole adult life. In specifically knowing that they are ‘Vampyric’, people give of a specific aura that one can recognize a ‘energy vampires’, people who I would say need to or try to drain or control the energy of other people whom they deem have the specific energy they need.”

Respondent 10: “Vampyres have a very distinct and different energy about them. I immediately “know” that they are looking to suck energy from me. There is a particular look that they have in their eyes when “feeding” on the energy of their chosen victim. Lastly, I would like to say that when I have been in the company of a Sanguine or vampyre, their smell, energy and general social skills are not that of a non vampyric person.”

Collated response: Respondents reported being able to identify Vampyres or vampyric people by ‘intuition’, ‘a gut feeling’, feeling ‘drained by their huge need for energy’, by their ‘behavior’, a ‘dark ring around their energy fields’, a ‘hollow chakra’, a unique ‘marker’.


Respondent 2 appears to view Vampyres as manipulative and disruptive people who do not want others to be happy.

Q5: How would you describe (in detail) the differences between self-identifying Vampyres or vampyric people and non-vampyric people? (ie WHAT makes them seem different or stand out from the ‘norm’?)

Respondent 1: “Vampyres generally have a big aura and a rather “aggressive” personality. They can be quite charming and make effort to be attractive. A sense of strength is emanating from them.”

Respondent 2: “They tend to be needy. A person feels drained after working with them. They generally keep people blinded to their behaviour so as to keep them around and not all of them realise what they are doing.”

Respondent 3: “Aura colours are quite easy to differentiate. The lighter the colour the less deeply the person thinks or feels about something. The more depth and intensity the more interesting they are to me.]…[ A ‘normal’ person is lighter, there may be darkness there but no ‘hunger’ about them. They seemed to be resigned to whatever fate dictates. They seem cleaner or something? Younger, newer, emptier.”

Respondent 4: “The cold/narcissistic way in which they control people and situations. I can spot the normal people who are just low on energy an unknowingly taking from others.”

Respondent 5: “This type of person is very moody. They go from one extreme to another. They are always complaining about everything and are sick all the time. The sickness I think they draw to themselves with the energy they take from other people. I would also say most of them are overweight and don’t take good care of themselves. Not everyone, but most of them. I think because we are so used to working with energy, especially good energy, you pick up the difference easily. They also battle with relationships.”

Respondent 6: “I wouldn’t necessarily say there’s much difference because some people don’t even realise that they’re vampyres, they haven’t awakened yet. The difference would be the energy given off and energy vampires would be the easiest to detect.”

Respondent 7: “First, I think we need to differentiate between the conscious and unconscious vampires. Although they KNOW what they’re doing, they are in the minority! Those who do this unconsciously would be offended if confronted with this. I think you would be able to write an entire book on just the difference between vampyric and non-vampyric people. Put very simplistic: somewhere during the course of their lives something (or a sequence of events) happened where they felt dis-empowered, thus they feel that they need somebody’s energy to feel good or to sometimes, just make it through the day. We’ve all probably gone through a ‘vampyric phase’ at least once in our lives! At the root of this (along with dis-empowerment) almost always is a profound lack of unconditional self-love.”

Respondent 8: “All living things need qi. A vampire needs qi of a emotional flavor or else they become imbalanced. They can process and enjoy other qi. Reiki does not use personal energy, a Reiki healer channels universal energy into the others body through their own. Universal energy to a vampire is lovely. But with the emotional component it will not balance their spiritual selves.”

Respondent 9: “All people are different and I think even in the Vampyric community you have people who will say that some are true ‘vampires’ and others are just pretenders. What makes them different from normal people the question would have to be asked first what is normal? In answering this, I would have to say yet again it is their energy signature, and sometime but not exclusively the way they dress, and curtain very specific iconography that they either wear or associate themselves with.”

Respondent 10: “The vampyric people that I have encountered are generally very twitchy and nervous around non vampyric people if they have not fed off energy for a while. This is however, where I would like to know whether you are referring purely to energy vampires or to blood drinking vampires. I know that some of them do both, however I have also come across some that only feed off energy. I have encountered both types. Drinking blood is addictive. It is like a drug to them and in the event of them not having any, they get extremely anxious. Some I know of have wanted to leave this way of life and have found it extremely difficult. The vampyric people also have a devil may care attitude toward life in general, and few qualms in dabbling around in really dark magick. They have no conscience, nor worry about repercussions of their actions. I have found this to be so with other humans, whereas they are however, in general, animal lovers.”

Collated response: Respondents said they identify the differences between Vampyres or vampyric people and non-Vampyres as a non-specific range, differing between all respondents in descriptive terms:

  • Differences in aura colors or intensities between Vampyres/vampyric people and non-Vampyres.
  • ‘Aggressive personalities’ in the case of Vampyres.
  • ‘Charm’ and ‘effort to be attractive’ in the case of Vampyres.
  • A ‘sense of strength’ emanates in the case of Vampyres.
  • Vampyres tend to be ‘needy’.
  • Subterfuge making feeding harder to be discovered.
  • A ‘darkness’ present in energy fields of Vampyres
  • A ‘cleaner’ feel to the Vampyre’s energy.
  • A ‘big’ aura in the case of Vampyres.
  • A ‘hunger’ present in the Vampyre’s energy.
  • ‘Cold and narcisistic’ in the case of Vampyres.
  • A feeling of ‘disempowerment’.
  • A ‘profound lack of unconditional self-love’.
  • Their unique energy signature.
  • Some are ‘aware’ (awakened) and ‘unaware’ of their vampyric actions.
  • ‘Twitchy or nervous’ around non-Vampyres when they are hungry.


Respondent 10 appears to demonstrate a definite prejudice in describing vampyric people as having ‘no conscience’, and referring to the need for blood or energy as ‘an addiction’ when it is far more complicated than that to vampyric people.

Q6: Is this a condition that you would consider to be ‘repairable’, ‘curable’ or reversible? If so, how? If not, why?


Respondent 1: “I think that this condition can be “repaired” or “fixed” for some individuals, depending on the origin of the condition. In the case of a past life condition it can be difficult to find the exact life involved and the cause. In the case of an acquired condition during the current life time it should be possible and maybe easier. I do believe that the vampire condition is due to a curse put on an individual… curse that the person’s spirit might have attracted. So the only way to “cure” the condition would be for the individual to remove him/herself from the curse with the help of a healer. Problem is that some individuals do not seem to feel the need for them to change and even if some want to “fix” their condition in their conscious mind, sometimes their unconscious is not ready to let go of the curse and nothing can be done.”

Respondent 2: “Yes. Can be reversed if the party concerned wants to otherwise no chance.”

Respondent 3: “I have been searching for a ‘cure’ for a long time. I created an energetic grid of a ‘normal person’ to force my energetic pathways to follow a more ‘normal’ circuit. My own energy fields are very different from most and I wanted to lose the ‘hunger’. It took it out for about three months, I lost all hunger for anything, including meat and potatoes food and sex and I snapped it all back when I got very angry at someone. It hurt and would say not really worth the effort it took. But I believe that if I was working with others that knew what they were doing, a re-routing of the energy system could be done for a far longer period of time.”

Respondent 4: “Unknowing energy vampyres will constantly seek an energy fix until they are made aware of it. Knowing Vampyric individuals will most probably not be helped unless they want it…like any addict.”

Respondent 5: “I believe you can cure it but it is not easy. First you have to cut the cords, and if we can change their mindset, the cords will not grow back. So what I mean is, if they can stay happy and positive they would have been healed but usually they don’t want to be healed. In a way I believed one off the reasons they are here on Earth is to teach us lessons, or it could be a karmic debt they are paying back. In 10 years I believe I only managed to heal one.”

Respondent 6: “No – it’s instinct, like coding.”

Respondent 7: “According to my knowledge, it is a disease, just like any other…. and can be healed, just like any other. The same rules apply: a) They have to be aware. B) They have to own it. C) They would WANT to heal this. d) They would have to take responsibility for their own healing. Although, as a Reiki practitioner you assist them, you are only the facilitator of the healing. The client has to realise that he is the only person who can heal himself. Do the ‘homework’, do the spiritual and emotional digging and releasing. The client must be willing to go through this painful process of having a light shining on their deepest, darkest, most painful fears. Unless they are willing to do the above, healing will not take place. Then there are those who do not want to heal because of the kickbacks of being a pain body. They so love the sympathy they get because of this, that they do not want to let go. It has become addictive.”

Respondent 8: “No. A ‘pseudo-vampire’ which is created by trauma can be healed or cured of this condition, but not someone who is a vampire by nature or by birth.”

Respondent 9: “From my point of view, why should it have to be ‘repaired’ or ‘cured’? People should be allowed to live out their beliefs as they see fit, up until the point that they start hurting other people. When that becomes an issue may be one should look at forcing a person to take responsibility for their actions.”

Respondent 10: “I know that this condition is “repairable”, “curable” and “reversible”. Should the subject really want to be cured it is much like treating a drug addict. It is also about helping them to discover their true selves. The vampyric people that I have worked with mostly come from a really hard life and have found “comfort” in participating in their rituals with others of similar backgrounds and lifestyles.”

Collated response: Respondents appeared to be divided on this point. While the majority of our respondents stated that they believed the Vampyric condition could be ‘cured’ or altered or made to resemble the non-vampyric condition, but the beliefs for why Vampyres exist or how this ‘cure’ could be affected all differed between individual respondents.


Respondent 4 reduces vampyric people’s experience and existence to being nothing more than an ‘addict’ seeking an energy ‘fix’.

Respondent 5 seems to view the ‘cords’ as an apparent cause of vampyric nature, rather than as a symptom of it – they do not appear to be aware that these are the subtle pathways along which Vampyres (particularly energy Vampyres) feed through. Cutting these would have no effect on the root of Vampyre nature itself, other than to cause the Vampyre to starve, and to form new ‘cords’ attached to other sources.

Respondent 7 appears to hold the view that Vampyre nature is a disease, not a natural state. In their view, Vampyres are addicted to the ‘sympathy’ they receive and in essence would not let go of their vampyric nature. It doesn’t appear to occur to this respondent that Vampyre nature is not curable nor a disease.

Respondent 10 reduces the vampyric condition to a ‘lifestyle’ of ‘rituals’ and a ‘drug addiction’ and believes they can be ‘cured’ – but like most of those who claim thus, does not provide a ‘how-to’.

Q7: Is this a condition that you would consider to be ‘transferable’, ‘initiated’ or ‘inflicted’ on a person who is a non-vampyric person to begin with? In other words, do you believe that a person can be ‘turned’ into a vampyric person or Vampyre?


Respondent 1: “Yes, I do believe that the vampirism is inflicted through a curse on the spirit of an individual resulting in a change of his/her behavior.”

Respondent 2: “Yes, and this is why there are so many – it is transferred through mixing with and watching their interactions. Very much Freudian.”

Respondent 3: “I have met a group of sanguine vampires that I believe only two were actually vampiric, the others just had ‘adopted the vibe’. They were very different vibrations from me and we both were ‘repulsed’ by each other. I see many people gravitating towards a certain ‘type’ of person and becoming like them for a while. It is like subconscious imitation. I have also observed this need to feed start in my own donors.”

Respondent 4: “Unknowingly & knowingly…yes.”

Respondent 5: “Difficult to answer as I don’t know them from birth but I never ever came across a child that is an energy vampire. I think it could be put onto a person but most off the time it is life itself that turns them into a vampire. These people are extremely unhappy.”

Respondent 6: “No, but it could be desirable for a person that has keen interests in vampyres.”

Respondent 7: “I suppose it is possible, but from my experience it is self-inflicted.”

Respondent 8: “Trauma can create a ‘pseudo-vampire, someone who becomes an energy void and who may appear to be vampyric, very needy. Victims of child abuse, rape, PTSD, depression, addiction etc. When the body is out of balance due to that level of abuse, all its systems are in survival mode. Every chakra is damaged, some are closed. In severe cases they are in reverse (to normal people). The spiritual body is broken. This is not their fault. They are ill. They are survivors.”

Respondent 9: “Transferable or inflicted… yes and no. Yes: people who are lost within themselves and within this world can easily choose to accept this life style if it makes them feel that they belong to the group or are made to feel welcome. I think going back to the alternative spiritual lifestyles most people who fall under this umbrella are in any case living on the fringe of society, and people tend to gravitate towards acceptance of their ‘rejection’… No: I do not think that a belief system can truly just be transferable or can just be initiated into, it, like most things will take time and it will take effort from an external party to rather ‘indoctrinate’ someone into a lifestyle like this.

Respondent 10: “I do not believe that this condition can be transferable to a non- vampyric person. A non vampyric person can certainly be initiated into the vampire society on request. The only way that I believe you can “inflict” a non-vampyric person into a vampryic person, without their knowledge or consent is through drug or alcohol abuse. Once they are hooked, they are hooked.”

Collated response: Respondents appeared to be divided on this point. All our respondents who stated that they believed the Vampyric condition could be ‘transferred’ or adopted by non-Vampyres, or that non-Vampyres energy systems could be made to resemble those of Vampyres, but the beliefs for why this could be so all differed between individual respondents.


Some respondents appear to hold the views that vampyric nature is a result of a ‘curse’ or through ‘life experience’ or even through social interaction with Vampyres.

Respondent 7 holds the view that vampirism is a self-inflicted state.

Respondent 8 reflects the view generally held by the Vampyre Community itself.

Respondent 9 seems to hold the view that being a Vampyre or vampyric person is a ‘lifestyle choice’ or a ‘belief system’, with the kind of transferability and ‘inflictability’ as it were, inherent to any lifestyle choice or belief system. They appear, somewhat oddly, to believe that people are ‘indoctrinated into’ being part of a belief system in order to become vampyric.

Respondent 10, incredibly, appears to believe that alcohol or drug abuse can ‘inflict’ the vampyric condition onto a non-vampyric person, although they do not give any detail at all on how this might be possible or even probable.

Q8: If ‘yes’ to Q7, HOW would you say this could be done?

Respondent 1: “It is done by placing a curse on another person spirit by some individuals who manipulate dark energies against the light and the good of All.”

Respondent 2: “No answer.”

Respondent 3: “Humans adapt to the energetic fields around them. If they are being fed off regularly they will learn to do the same. Most humans are energy leeches but they can get better. The vampire is much much rarer and an aware vampire is even rarer than that. To change a human energy leech into a vampire for a long term thing would leave me wondering if the leech was always a vampire.”

Respondent 4: “It’s transferred every day…you see it all around you. Domino effect. (Until someone kicks off their shoes, runs on the Earth and hugs a tree) There is more and more concrete going up around us by the day…I can’t see it ending. Unless (The rat race) ends.”

Respondent 5: “Cut the cords and make sure there are no entities attached to them. Call the guardian of the brain, heart and back of the neck to put protection around the brain, heart and back off the neck and then work with them on a daily basis to change their mind and keep them positive. That is very difficult as they will come once or twice and then stay away. You could also send them the violet flame.”

Respondent 6: “No”

Respondent 7: “Blame is in no short supply in our society. As long as I can blame somebody else for what is happening in my life, I do not have to take responsibility and therefore I do not have to heal this aspect of my life. Remember the t-shirts in the 70’s? ‘The Devil Made Me Do It!’”

Respondent 8: “This is not possible. Pseudo-vampires are created by trauma, whereas vampires are born, and this is a permanent condition. Trauma or injury to the spiritual body creates a pseudo-vampire. This is a temporary and reversible state. A pseudo-vampire can be cured by healing the trauma.”

Respondent 9: “I do not think that a belief system can truly just be transferable or can just be initiated into, it, like most things will take time and it will take effort from an external party to rather ‘indoctrinate’ someone into a lifestyle like this.”

Respondent 10: “Peer pressure is a major factor, as well as the feeling of belonging. This would be with the exception of forced infliction.”

Collated response: Respondents appeared to be divided on this point. All our respondents who stated that they believed the Vampyric condition could be ‘transferred’ or adopted by non-Vampyres, or that non-Vampyres energy systems could be made to resemble those of Vampyres, but the beliefs for how this could be affected all differed between individual respondents.


Respondent 7 appears to blame Vampyres for their nature, even for being vampyric at all, demonstrating undeniable prejudice.

Respondent 8 reflects the view generally held by the Vampyre Community itself.

Respondent 9 seems to hold the view that being a Vampyre or vampyric person is a ‘lifestyle choice’ or a ‘belief system’, with the kind of transferability and ‘inflictability’ as it were, inherent to any lifestyle choice or belief system. They appear, somewhat oddly, to believe that people are ‘indoctrinated into’ being part of a belief system in order to become vampyric.

Respondent 10 appears to believe that ‘peer pressure’ and ‘forced infliction’ can make someone a Vampire or vampyric person.

Q9: What are your personal views on Vampyres and vampyric people –

9a: as individual entities?

Respondent 1: “I see vampire as dangerous for others especially if they are not aware of their conditions. Like in any other group of individuals some are living their life in hurting others even when they are aware of their wrong doing.”

Respondent 2: “No answer.”

Respondent 3: “I see souls and auras naturally. I see many many tribes of beings in human form. One tribe, I cannot deny kinship with, is vampire. I have met physical people that identify as vampire who we just know each other as kin. I have started conversations with strangers and knew them as kin. We are all many facets of the same tribe each interpreting it according to our background and upbringing. I have hidden my differences for most of my life to find others that are even vaguely like me is a great blessing. It means I am not a freak or monster because there are others like me.”

Respondent 4: “The unknowing Vampyres need to become aware of what they are doing to end the cycle.”

Respondent 5: “I believe this is a person that is very unhappy and in their subconscious they think if they draw other peoples energy it would make them feel better about them self.”

Respondent 6: “Being a vampyre is generally a topic that is not discussed in the open and can be lived out only where there’s complete and trusting partnerships.”

Respondent 7: “We all have vampyric tendencies from time to time in our lives. Vampires are just people who hurt. They need our help to heal – unless they do not want to. Then they still need unconditional love.”

Respondent 8: “Most don’t have a clue. They walk around unaware like a damn roving mine field. Power-tripping middle managers. Abusive and passive-agressive, or narcissistic personalities. Or they fall so deep into the vampire identity they lose themselves.”

Respondent 9: “I have had great friend who lived this lifestyle, none of them ever caused me personally any harm. I do know though that some of the people I only met and had a superficial relationship could be considered quite dangerous to others, mainly because they fiercely protect their beliefs and if anybody goes against them they are sure to hurt in retribution.”

Respondent 10: “As with anything else in life, I believe in personal choice. I have friends who are vampyres. As long as it is of their own free will and choice to live the vampyric life I have no problem with it, as long as they do not kill, maim, or harm other living creatures to satisfy their needs. Generally, they feed off each other, which is consensual. However, there are those, as in all other religions that turn “bad”.”

Collated Response: No two of our respondents gave similar answers to this question. Some appeared to indicate a fearfulness or apprehensiveness of Vampyres or vampyric people, while others appeared to be quite comfortable around them.


Respondent 4 in particular appears to have a very poor grasp of the actual nature of Vampyrism and appears to operate under the illusion that just a Vampyre becoming aware of their condition would prevent them from being vampyric!

Respondent 7 appears to reduce the vampyric condition to a general behaviour pattern rather than to a specific type of person or identity. They appear to identify Vampyres as people who have been hurt, saying that theirs is a condition that can be ‘cured’, and that being ‘cured’ is a choice on the part of the Vampyre. They state that ‘curing’ vampyric nature is simply a matter of administering generous amounts of ‘love’.

Respondent 9 views Vampyres and vampyric persons as the consequence of a ‘lifestyle’ or ‘belief system’ rather than as a nature.

Respondent 10 appears to fail to distinguish between Vampyres or vampyric people and their donors, who are typically not Vampyres or vampyric people. This person also appears to regard Vampyres as a ‘lifestyle choice’ rather than as a natural state.

9b: as a group/identity/or community?

Respondent 1: “As a community I do believe that Vampyres can help each other and bring some knowledge and understanding to “normal” people totally unaware of their existence.”

Respondent 2: “No answer.”

Respondent 3: “The vampire community is splintered, argumentative and stupid. I have no wish to play among the blood splattered walls any longer. I enjoy a good feed off the main vampire Facebook groups along with many others but all I see is circles in the sand. They are not going anywhere. As a networking place I still watch for the energy signature of a newbie vampire entering the playing field, they dont appear as often as they used to. I am moving into other areas for new questions and answers.”

Respondent 4: “The ones that are aware of what they are doing…but still continue….are parasites and their time is coming to an end.”

Respondent 5: “They are not very productive in a community as they are always sick. I believe we must learn how to be around someone like that.”

Respondent 6: “There is always a need to identify as a group or community.”

Respondent 7: “Do not be afraid to go in and just love them as you should love yourself. That may be all that is needed for the penny to drop for them… and ultimately for healing to take place.”

Respondent 8: “The greater vampire society is a clique and it hurts progress or awareness. Reiki can help anyone, Vampires included, to heal and balance. The clique creates the ”us vs them’ mentality. And its foolish. Summary – the cliques are foolish.”

Respondent 9: “One thing I cannot stand, is the arrogance that goes with some people believing that a lifestyle like this makes them somehow superior to other people.”

Respondent 10: “As a group I have known them to turn on each other for minor infringements and arguments. They stand together against outsiders, however, the inner groups have many problems. I strongly believe that this could be mostly due to upbringing and substance abuse as I have counselled a few who have decided to leave their covens, which was very difficult for them to do as their “brethren” did not want to let go.”

Collated response: No two of our respondents gave similar answers to this question. Some appeared to indicate a fearfulness or apprehensiveness of Vampyres or vampyric people, while others appeared to be quite comfortable around them.


Respondent 7 appears to reduce the vampyric condition to a general behaviour pattern rather than to a specific type of person or identity. They appear to identify Vampyres as people who have been hurt, saying that theirs is a condition that can be ‘cured’, and that being ‘cured’ is a choice on the part of the Vampyre. They state that ‘curing’ vampyric nature is simply a matter of administering generous amounts of ‘love’.

Respondent 4 in particular appears to have a very pronounced dislike for Vampyres and vampyric people, even though they do not appear to have a sound grasp of the object of her prejudice.

Respondent 9 views Vampyres and vampyric persons as the consequence of a ‘lifestyle’ or ‘belief system’ rather than as a nature.

Respondent 10 seems to have a markedly distorted view of the Vampyre subculture and links the community to ‘substance abuse’.


In terms of the aims of this survey, the information gathered from the ten respondents indicates that Reiki practitioners:

  • demonstrate that the community of Reiki practitioners appears to be at least in general aware of Vampyres/vampyric people;
  • demonstrate that the community of Reiki practitioners appears to at least in general believe they are able to identify Vampyres/vampyric people by sight, feel or touch; (The delivery on this point warrants further research.)
  • provided general descriptions of what appears different to them about Vampyres/vampyric people, and thereby providing reason to investigate further what makes Vampyres/vampyric people different from non-Vampyres;  (The delivery on this point warrants further research.)
  • demonstrate that while they are able to detect Vampyres or vampyric people, there is a marked division in how they perceive and understand what Vampyre and vampyric people ARE;
  • demonstrate a prevalent classical misunderstanding about self-identifying Vampyres and vampyric people and the Vampyre subculture in a social sense, along with some stereotyping and prejudice which appears to be promoted by a combination of ignorance, misinformation and resulting prejudice.


Further research.

Article –  “Are Vampyres Perceptibly Different To Non-Vampyres? 10/10 Reiki Practitioners Say “YES!”” SAVN August 18, 2015